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Saturday, April 4, 2015

The University of Iceland (Icelandic: Háskóli Íslands) is an open exploration college in Reykjavík, Iceland, and the nation's most established and biggest organization of advanced education. Established in 1911, it has become relentlessly from a little common hirelings' school to a current extensive college, giving direction to around 14,000 understudies in a quarter century. Showing and exploration is led inside sociologies, humanities, solution, characteristic sciences, designing and educator instruction. It has a grounds thought around Suðurgata road in focal Reykjavík, with extra offices placed in adjacent ranges and in the farmland. 

The University of Iceland was established by the Alþingi on June 17, 1911, uniting three previous post-optional organizations: Prestaskólinn, Læknaskólinn and Lagaskólinn, which taught religious philosophy, solution and law, separately. The college initially had resources for these three fields, notwithstanding a workforce of humanities. Amid its first year of operation 45 understudies were selected. The main Rector of the college was Björn M. Ólsen, a teacher in the staff of humanities. 

For its initial 29 years the University was housed in the Icelandic Parliament building, Alþingishúsið, in focal Reykjavík. In 1933, the college got a unique permit from Alþingi to work a money prize lottery called Happdrætti Háskólans. The University Lottery, which began in 1934, remaining parts a significant wellspring of financing for the development of new college structures. In 1940, the college moved into the principle building, composed via Icelandic state engineer Guðjón Samúelsson. The principle building structures the center of the college grounds on Suðurgata, where a large portion of the key structures of the college are spotted today. Lately there has been some real rebuilding. In 2008 the college was separated into five separate schools. At the same time, Iceland University of Education was converged with the University of Iceland to turn into its School of Education. Expanded rivalry from nearby schools has urged the college to incredibly enhance its promoting systems, which had beforehand been regarded superfluous. 

The college's fundamental grounds lies promptly south-west of Tjörnin in the focal point of Reykjavík. It covers around 10 hectares in total.[4] There are around 30 structures altogether, the most established of which, Gamli Garður, was assembled in 1934. The Main Building neglects a semi-round yard, emphasizing a statue of Sæmundur fróði. In 2007, another administration focus was opened alongside the principle building, and huge numbers of the most basic administration work areas were migrated there. A few addresses happen in Háskólabíó film at the northern end of the grounds. There is likewise an exercise center, a few dorms and littler exploration establishment structures on the grounds. Most structures are found on the primary grounds and close-by neighborhoods. The Faculty of Sport, Leisure Studies and Social Education, then again, is placed in the town of Laugarvatn. In 1994 the college library (formally settled in 1940) converged with the national library of Iceland, Landsbókasafn Íslands (est. 1818) to structure one vast scholastic library, the National and University Library of Iceland (Icelandic: Landsbókasafn Íslands - Háskólabókasafn). The library fundamental building, Þjóðarbókhlaðan, is arranged beside the principle grounds. 

Training and exploration at the University of Iceland is nearly tied with the National University Hospital in Reykjavík. The offices of the School of Health Sciences are hence to a 


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