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Monday, March 9, 2015

The University of Canberra was initially settled in 1967 as the Canberra College of Advanced Education. The Canberra CAE turned into the University of Canberra under sponsorship of Monash University in 1990. More than 70,000 understudies have moved on from the college since 1970.

.UC offers undergrad and postgraduate courses covering six primary learning territories: Applied Science, Health, Art and Design; Business, Government and law, Education and Information Sciences and Engineering. Starting 2014, the college additionally offers its degrees at the Holmesglen Institute of TAFE, Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE, Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE and South Western Sydney Institute of TAFE.

UC is joined forces with two neighborhood ACT schools UC Senior Secondary College Lake Ginninderra (earlier Lake Ginninderra Senior Secondary College) and University of Canberra High School (in the past Kaleen High School). The University of Canberra College likewise gives pathways into college to local and universal understudies.

The grounds is inside strolling separation of the Westfield shopping and excitement unpredictable of Belconnen, and 12 minutes by normal transport administration or auto from Canberra's Civic Center

The University of Canberra has developed by seventy-eight percent since 2007, set from 7,300 understudies to more than 13,000 in 2014. The average Australian Tertiary Admission Rank of UC understudies is more or less 71
The Canberra university has four faculties

ESTeM (Education,Science,Technology and Maths)

The ESTeM faculty focuses on area of study that contributes to producing a student with a range of knowledge in similar areas of study. Courses such as Biomedical, Forensic and Environmental Sciences, teaching in early childhood, primary or secondary, Information and Technology.

Arts and Design

Arts and design primarily provides students with the skills to be successful in a wide range of careers in the new arts. Arts and design specialise in, Graphic Design, Advertising, Journalism and Media Arts.

Business, Government and Law

The Business Government and Law Faculty provides students with a choice and flexibility together with real world experience. Students have the option to major in over 70 areas from across the University. Students can venture into Accounting, Applied Economics, Business Administration, Business Informatics, Construction, Finance, Law, Management, Marketing, Politics, Public Policy, Tourism, and Urban and Regional Planning.


The Faculty of Health prepares nurses, midwives, psychologists, physiotherapists, pharmacists, dietitians, nutritionists, exercise scientists and sports management professionals.
UC also offer a range of double degrees that combine two degrees from different faculties.

The university has a number of research centers relating to its areas of research strength. These are:

  • Institute for Applied Ecology
  • Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis
  • ANZSOG Institute for Governance
  • National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM)
  • eWater Cooperative Research Centre
  • Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism
  • Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre
  • Centre for Labour Market Research
  • Australian Institute for Sustainable Communities
  • Centre for Customs & Excise Studies
  • Centre for Research and Action in Public Health
  • Centre for Research in Public Sector Management
  • Centre for Tourism Research
  • Communication & Media Policy Institute
  • Corrosion & Spectrochemistry Laboratory
  • Human Computer Communication Laboratory
  • Learning Communities Research Area
  • Lifelong Learning Network
  • National Centre for Corporate Law & Policy Research
  • National Institute of Governance
  • National Institute of Sports Studies
  • Ngunnawal Centre
  • Professional Management Programs
  • Schools & Community Centre
  • Teaching and Learning Centre

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