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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The University of Copenhagen was established in 1479 and is the most seasoned college in Denmark. Between the end of the Studium Generale in Lund in 1536 and the foundation of the University of Aarhus in the late 1920s, it was the main college in Denmark. The college turned into a core of Roman Catholic philosophical adapting, additionally had workforces for the investigation of law, solution, and logic. 

In 1801, under the order of Admiral Horatio Nelson, the British armada shelled Copenhagen amid the Battle of Copenhagen, destroying the greater part of the college's buildings.[citation needed] By 1836, be that as it may, the new fundamental building of the college was introduced in the midst of far reaching building that proceeded until the end of the century. The college library, the Zoological Museum, the Geological Museum, the Botanic Garden with nurseries, and the Technical College were likewise settled amid this period. 

Somewhere around 1842 and 1850, the staffs at the college were rebuilt. Beginning in 1842, the University Faculty of Medicine and the Academy of Surgeons fused to structure the Faculty of Medical Science, while in 1848 the Faculty of Law was rearranged and turned into the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Political Science. In 1850, the Faculty of Mathematics and Science was divided from the Faculty of Philosophy. 

The primary female understudy was selected at the college in 1877. The college experienced dangerous development somewhere around 1960 and 1980. The quantity of understudies rose from around 6,000 in 1960 to around 26,000 in 1980, with a correspondingly extensive development in the quantity of workers. Structures assembled amid this time period incorporate the new Zoological Museum, the Hans Christian Ørsted and August Krogh Institutes, the grounds fixate on Amager Island, and the Panum Institute. 

The new college statute established in 1970 included democratization of the administration of the college. It was changed in 1973 and along these lines connected to all advanced education organizations in Denmark. The democratization was later switched with the 2003 college changes. Further change in the structure of the college from 1990 to 1993 made a Bachelor's degree program compulsory in practically all subjects. 

In 2005, the Center for Health and Society (Center for Sundhed og Samfund – CSS) opened in focal Copenhagen, lodging the Faculty of Social Sciences and Institute of Public Health, which until then had been found in different places all through the city. In May 2006, the college declared further plans to leave a number of its old structures in the internal city of Copenhagen, a zone that has been home to the college for over 500 years. The reason for this has been to assemble the college's numerous offices and employees on three bigger grounds keeping in mind the end goal to make a greater, more focused and advanced understudy environment with better showing offices, and to spare cash on rent and support of the old structures. The amassing of offices on bigger grounds likewise takes into consideration more between disciplinary collaboration; for instance, the Departments of Political Science and Sociology are currently placed in the same offices at CSS and can pool assets all the more effectively. 

In January 2007, the University of Copenhagen combined with the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and the Danish University of Pharmaceutical Science. The two colleges are presently employees under the University of Copenhagen, and are currently known as the Faculty of Life Sciences and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 

In January 2012, the Faculty og Pharmaceutical Sciences and the veterinary third of the Faculty of Life Sciences combined with the Faculty of Health Sciences structuring the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences – and the other 66% of the Faculty of Life Sciences blended with the Faculty of S.


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