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Sunday, March 29, 2015

The University of Nicosia is the biggest college in Cyprus, with grounds situated in the three biggest urban areas in Cyprus: Nicosia, Lemesos and Larnaca. It was formally known, until September 2007, as Intercollege. The University selects give or take 5,000 understudies, 4,000 of which are situated in Nicosia. The University of Nicosia has made itself as a dynamic and regarded global organization of advanced education in only 31 years. It is the main University in Cyprus with an arrangement of three grounds in the real urban areas of Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca. 

Starting as a little instructive foundation planning Cypriots for expert examinations, the University of Nicosia is today a dynamic universal college where understudies of numerous ages, ethnic and social foundations may gain undergrad and graduate degrees and in addition proficient capabilities at a critical expense advantage and, for a large number of them, near and dear. The University of Nicosia is the biggest private college in Cyprus; its current enrolment is around 5,000 understudies. 

The historical backdrop of the University is portrayed by key development: the methodical expansion of testament and degree programs through the Master's level, the foundation of scholastic connections with different colleges and expert bodies, extension to the urban communities of Limassol and Larnaca, the enlistment and maintenance of doctoral or professionally qualified workforce, an expanding accentuation on examination and distributions and a vital objective to turn into the first and best private college in Cyprus. 

Intercollege was established in 1980 by private activity to plan understudies for the examinations of perceived British proficient bodies, for example, the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), and the Communication, Advertising and Marketing Foundation (CAM). 

In 1981, Dr Nicos Peristianis, the present Executive Dean of University of Nicosia, was designated Director and the College started growing its projects towards scholastic degrees. In its first decade of operation, Intercollege created and altered courses of study as per the College's developing bodies electorate, the needs of the Cypriot work business sector, and the College's establishing mission to give quality advanced education at sensible cost in Cyprus. 

To this end, Intercollege arranged understudies for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations, which were acknowledged by the University of the State of New York and the Thomas Edison State College towards their outside degrees. Through diligent work and ingenuity, the College has consistently formed into a regarded Cypriot school which recompenses its own particular Diplomas, Bachelor degrees and Masters degrees on three grounds. In September 2007, the 27-year-old College was recognized as a University, and now utilizes the name University of Nicosia, Cyprus. The University keeps on offerring various expert projects, for example, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Certified Accounting Technician (CAT), the Chartered Institute.

Lomonosov Moscow State University Since its establishment in 1755, Lomonosov Moscow University is a Russia's leading academic and cultural centers. It is the largest of the classical research universities within the former USSR. The University has 5,000 academic staff and 4,500 researchers, over 40,000 students, including 5,000 international students from almost 100 countries. 10,000 schoolchildren are attending various introductory groups organized by the University. In 2008 Lomonosov Moscow State University the first time in Russia was granted the freedom to follow own academic standards and award own degrees. The University is well-known for its strong natural sciences tradition: 11 (of Russian 18) Nobel Prize winners and 6 (of Russian 8) Fields medalists were alumni or academics at Lomonosov. The 39 faculties cover virtually all areas of research, except engineering. The University has its two campuses in the center of Moscow where there are 4 museums, 15 research institutes, one of the two botanical gardens, Science Park and a number of service units. The library of the University holds over 9 million volumes. The University has 6 branches in Russia and five of the former USSR republics.
The establishment of the university was at the initiative of Ivan Shuvalov and Mikhail Lomonosov. Russian Empress Elizabeth decreed its creation on January 25,1755. The first lectures were held on April 26. January 25 is still celebrated as Students' Day in Russia.

St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University have a friendly argument about which is actually Russia's oldest. While Moscow State University was established in 1755, its St. Petersburg competitor has been in continuous operation as a "university" since 1819, and claims to be the successor of the university established on January 24, 1724, by a decree of Peter the Great.

Originally located in the Principal Medicine Store on Red Square, the university was transferred by Catherine the Great to a Neoclassical building on the other side of Mokhovaya Street. This main building was constructed between 1782 and 1793 in the Neo-Palladian style, designed by Matvei Kazakov, and rebuilt after the 1812 Fire of Moscow by Domenico Giliardi.

In the 18th century, the university had three departments: philosophy, medicine, and law. A preparatory college was affiliated with the university before it was abolished in 1812. In 1779, Mikhail Kheraskov founded a boarding school for noblemen (Благородный пансион), which was transformed into a gymnasium for the Russian nobility in 1830. The university press, run by Nikolay Novikov in the 1780s, published the most popular newspaper in Imperial Russia — Moskovskie Vedomosti.

The roots of student unrest reach deep into the 1800s. In 1905, a social-democratic organization was created at the university calling for the tsar to be overthrown and for Russia to be turned into a republic. The Tsarist government repeatedly threatened to close the university. In 1911, in a protest over the introduction of troops onto the campus and mistreatment of certain professors, 130 scientists and professors resigned en masse, including prominent figures such as Nikolay Dimitrievich Zelinskiy, Pyotr Nikolaevich Lebedev, and Sergei Alekseevich Chaplygin. Thousands of students were also expelled.

After the October Revolution in 1917, the school began admitting proletariat and peasant children. In 1919, tuition fees were abolished, and a preparatory facility was established to help working class children prepare for entrance exams. During the implementation of Joseph Stalin's First Five-Year Plan (1928–1932), parts of the university were constructed by prisoners of the Gulag. As stated above, the intelligensia would later be ironically mocked, repressed, and imprisoned by Stalin.

On September 6, 1997, the entire front of the university was used as the backdrop for a concert by French electronic musician Jean Michel Jarre, who had been specially invited to perform there by the mayor of the city. The entire front of the building was used as a giant projection screen, while fireworks, lasers, and searchlights were all launched from various points around the building. The stage was directly in front of the building, and the concert, titled "The Road To The 21st Century" in Russia, but renamed "Oxygen In Moscow" for worldwide video/DVD release, attracted a world record crowd of 3.5 million people.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Doshisha University was established in 1875 by Joseph Hardy Niisima, a samurai who stowed away to the United States amid the Tokugawa Period. In light of this special history, the college has an air that is particularly amiable to abroad students.Doshisha University image1 Doshisha University image2 Doshisha University image3 Doshisha University 

Doshisha University was made in 1875 by Joseph Hardy Neesima in the heart of Kyoto, the antiquated capital of Japan. Doshisha is the sister organization to Amherst College. Seeking after the essential goals of Christian standards, progressivism and internationalism, Doshisha University's instructive objective, created by our author, Neesima, is to develop and support people that "utilization their capacities as their heart directs". Doshisha has sent promising graduates out into the world over its 138-year history and our graduated class keep on adding to nearby and worldwide society at the most elevated amounts. 

Today Doshisha University has become a standout amongst the most prestigious private instructive establishments in Japan, with 14 personnel and 16 master's level college on the Imadegawa Campus in the heart of Kyoto, and on the Kyotanabe Campus and the Gakkentoshi Campus in Kansai Science City, pleasing 26,500 college understudies, 2,500 graduate understudies and around 780 full-time staff over the three grounds. 

Doshisha's key mission is the transmission of scholastic information and mastery. Notwithstanding this, be that as it may, cultivating a sharp feeling of regular mankind and adding to a principled and balanced character are different goes for the heart of Doshisha's instructive methodology. Doshisha University is focused on the proceeded with improvement and advancement of our instructive and examination situations so as to satisfy our obligations and missions.Doshisha University was established through worldwide associations and keeps on being established in global systems and connections. We have trade concurrences with 167 colleges and universities in 39 nations in all districts of the world. These projects empower us to trade around 470 understudies consistently. We likewise have numerous between employees understandings to advance understudy trade in specific fields. Likewise, we acknowledge around 1300 global understudies from as far and wide as possible. 

Doshisha University is host to five focuses that our outside accomplices work on our Kyoto grounds: the Associated Kyoto Program Center (AKP), established by a consortium of 15 American human sciences schools; the University of Tübingen Center for Japanese Language at Doshisha (TUB); the Stanford Center for Technology and Innovation (SCTI); the University of Sheffield Doshisha Center (USDC); and the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies (KCJS), a consortium of 14 famous colleges in the United States, including Harvard University, Princeton University, Yale University and others.Grounded in Doshisha University's establishing instructive standards, the ILA offers an energizing B.A. Aesthetic Sciences Program that joins a private American human sciences school climate and instructive methodology with an accentuation on building organizations in the middle of understudies and educators in little classes led in English. 

Crosswise over social science, society, financial matters, business, law, governmental issues, arrangement and universal relations, the point is for Institute graduates to have the ability to work at the most noteworthy worldwide level, applying their establishing in nearby Kyoto and Japanese connections to the development of a wide interdisciplinary personality set, adding to the savvy and social capability important to accomplish a commitment to worldwide society.In the ISTC interdisciplinary graduate project think about the most exceptional science, building, and innovation with a specific end goal to encourage abilities for overseeing R&D ventures with an in number moral sense which is the premise for the different Japanese innovative commercial enterprises. Understudies can get a M. Sc. by taking courses taught in English.Launched in 2009, the Global MBA is an energizing and auspicious project intended for another era of worldwide 21st century business. The course is conveyed full-time, totally in English more than a two-year period, at a reason constructed office in the heart of Kyoto. 

At Doshisha University's Graduate School of Global Studies, instruction and exploration stresses both the humanities and sociologies, this system plans to create people who have an expansive point of view and an entering vision, and are fit for utilizing their learned aptitudes to create commonsense answers for an extensive variety of complex issues.Undergraduate trade understudies originating from remote accomplice establishments under college level understandings join the Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Doshisha's serious Japanese dialect and Japanese studies program. Graduate trade understudies may obviously join the important master's level college of the University. 

The Japanese government (MEXT) has formally licensed the CJLC as a National Japanese Language Institute. Understudies in this system learn Japanese dialect and Japanese customary culture as per the extraordinary educational module outlined by the CJLC.The CJLC offers summer sessions to global understudies who wish to study Japanese for a brief times. We offer a 3-week-program that empowers those understudies to pick up Japanese dialect aptitudes while finding out about existence and culture in Kyoto.The Intensive Japanese Language Program "Bekka," empowers universal understudies to develop their comprehension of Japanese dialect and society. The majority of the understudies in this system (Privately-financed universal understudies) expect to seek after further training in Japanese colleges. The "Bekka" Program is a full-year system offered in both spring and fall semesters. 

Doshisha University offers a mixed bag of facilities for worldwide understudies, including our possessed/rented domitories. We likewise give applicable data on off-grounds lodging and land offices both inside and outside the college. For understudies who discover their rooms through the specialists presented by the college, the college can serve as an underwriter when they need.Students can counsel with a specialist (doctor) at the Health Center and acquire emotional well-being backing at the Counseling Center. Directing is accessible in English.Lifestyle Support Advisers for International Students serve to give exhortation and answer inquiries in regards to their study and every day life, and help them subside into life in Japan upon entry and comprehend the distinction in social framework. 

Doshisha University offers an assortment of grants to empower worldwide understudies to focus on their studies free from money related concern

The history of Ritsumeikan dates back to 1869, when Prince Kinmochi Saionji, an eminent cosmopolitan statesman of modern Japan, founded it as a private academy in Kyoto. Ritsumeikan has now become an integrated academy with a rich culture of individuality and international awareness accommodating a total of 49,000 students. The current Ritsumeikan Academy has campuses in Kyoto, Shiga, Hokkaido, and Oita and encompasses two universities, Ritsumeikan University (RU) and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), four high schools, four junior high schools, and one primary school.Since Ritsumeikan’s establishment, approximately 300,000 people have graduated from RU, 5,000 from APU and 90,000 from the affiliate schools. Ritsumeikan fosters learning and the development of individual talents in order to nurture just and ethical global citizens.Resting on a tradition and history that span across three centuries, Ritsumeikan Academy stands out for its distinctive character and internationalism.

Ritsumeikan University (RU), a private university founded in 1900, is one of Japan’s most well-known universities.
RU has 36,500 students who study and research across the University's three campuses; Kinugasa Campus and Suzaku Campus are located in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan, and Biwako-Kusatsu Campus is located in neighboring Shiga Prefecture. RU offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs across a wide range of academic disciplines including humanities, social science, arts, science and engineering. RU attaches a great deal of importance to international education, and through its links with over 370 overseas universities offers a range of study abroad opportunities to its students.

In order to promote the internationalization of education and research, Ritsumeikan University is actively accepting international students from many different countries and regions throughout the world. As of May 1st, 2010, 1,113 international students from Asia, America, Europe, Oceania and Africa were studying at Ritsumeikan University.Students currently attending a university in their home country who would like to attend RU on a short-term basis (i.e. one year or less) are invited to apply to the Study in Kyoto Program (SKP). SKP offers numerous courses in Japanese language and culture, utilizing the extensive historical and cultural resources of the ancient city of Kyoto. SKP also offers courses in English on Japan and business-related subjects. For more information, please see 

Another unique study opportunity is the Ritsumeikan Summer and Winter Japanese Program (RSJP/RSWP), a five-week or two-week program designed for college and university students with minimal knowledge of the Japanese language. RSJP/RSWP provides a comprehensive introduction to Japanese language and culture. Program participants are immersed in an optimal environment for short-term intensive language study with the added benefit of cultural exchange and exploration. For more information please see the website: Ritsumeikan Summer/Winter Japanese Program In order to address the needs and expectations, as well as the anxieties and concerns of students, RU offers a wide variety of student support services. These services aim to provide information, starting from pre-enrollment, on the academic system, student life, scholarships, etc. at Ritsumeikan. In addition, an informative orientation is held for new international students upon arrival.

Students at RU work voluntarily as "tutors" to help international students adjust to campus life and daily life in Japan. These tutors are called TISA, Tutors for International Students Assembly. These tutors play a very important role in promoting interaction between international and Japanese students. With this objective, the tutors organize an orientation and student gathering for newly enrolled international students each year. Their activities also include preparing notifications for international students regarding courses and examinations, organizing cultural events between Japanese and international students and developing a network of activities between international students and regional and self-governing organizations. Currently, there are around 80 volunteer student tutors including international students on both campuses involved in these activities.

Friday, March 27, 2015

East China Normal University (Chinese: 华东师范大学), commonly referred to as ECNU, is a comprehensive research university in Shanghai, China. Established in 1951, it is the first national normal university of the People's Republic of China.

Originally founded to train school teachers, the University is now an institution training researchers, professors, high-level civil servants, as well as business and political leaders. Sponsored by the national program "Project 211" and "Project 985",the university is a staunch force in the nation's research in the humanities, social sciences and technology innovation,and is reputed to be the "Columbia of the East".ECNU is ranked 67th in Asia according to the Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings in 2014, while the Leiden Ranking considered it 280th worldwide in 2013.ECNU is an institution of higher education with global impact. China's first Sino-US higher education institute – New York University Shanghai (NYU Shanghai) – is jointly operated by New York University and ECNU. King's College London, the University of California, as well as the University of Manchester hold their international summer schools at ECNU each year.

Since 2013, the University officially changed its French name to École normale supérieure de l'Est de la Chine, to put forward the academic cooperation between ECNU and the École Normale Supérieure Group in France. And the ENS-ECNU Joint Graduate School was formally established in June 2005. Based on the Great China University (or Daxia University, founded in 1924) and Kwang Hua University (founded in 1925), East China Normal University was established in October 1951 on the site of Great China University and was joined at the same time by a number of faculty members from Fudan University, Tongji University, University of Shanghai and East China PE Academy.

In 1952, the Chinese government regrouped the country's higher education institutions in an attempt to build a Soviet-style system, departments from Saint John's University, Zhejiang University, University of Shanghai, Utopia University, Aurora University, Tongji University and Jiaotong University were incorporated into ECNU. After the adjustment, ECNU was changed to a comprehensive multi-disciplinary university in China.In March 1959, ECNU was authenticated as one of the first 16 National Key Universities in China, and this status was reaffirmed in 1978. From 1972 to 1980 (the Cultural Revolution in mainland China), it was known as Shanghai Normal University, and in 1980 its original name "ECNU" was resumed. In June 1986, ECNU was selected to be one of the first 33 higher education institutions authorized, by the State Council, to establish their graduate schools.

In 1996, ECNU passed the prerequisites appraisal and became one of universities sponsored by the major national program "Project 211". In 2006, the Ministry of Education and Shanghai Municipality signed into a partnership for co-sponsoring the development of the university, qualifying ECNU as a member of the "Project 985" and facilitating ECNU's efforts and progress toward a comprehensive, research-oriented and internationalized world-class university.

ECNU Library, Minhang Campus.
ECNU is a nationally renowned university under the direct auspices of the Ministry of Education of China and sponsored by the prestigious national program "Project 211" and "Project 985". Boasting one of the most beautiful university campuses in China, ECNU is reputed as the "garden university".The University sponsors or supervises publication of more than 20 academic journals and periodicals. The library collection exceeds 4,000,000 volumes. 21 primary or secondary schools are affiliated to the university.

The development and transformation of the country and the modernized international metropolis of Shanghai brings huge opportunities to the university for its progress. ECNU is working its way up enthusiastically and steadfastly toward the goal of establishing itself as "an internationally renowned high-level research university".

Beihang University, already known as Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (disentangled Chinese: 北京航空航天大学; customary Chinese: 北京航空航天大學, curtailed as BUAA or Beihang) is a noteworthy open exploration college found in Beijing, China. 

It is an individual from China's Project 211 and Project 985 gathering of key state colleges, with an overwhelming concentrate on abnormal state innovative and investigative examination. BUAA was established on October 25, 1952 with a zone of more than 100 hectares, BUAA is one of China's driving colleges on examination and training. It is viewed as one of the best building colleges in China and has an awesome impact on China's aeronautical and astronautical industry. BUAA was shaped in 1952 from a merger of the aeronautical divisions of Tsinghua University, Peiyang University, Xiamen University, Sichuan University, Yunnan University, Northwestern Engineering College, North China University, and Southwest Aeronautical Institute.[3] 

The meeting reporting the establishing of the Beijing Institute of Aeronautics (BIA) was held in the theater of Beijing Institute of Technology on October 25, 1952. In the beginning of the college, a large portion of the workforce and understudies lived on grounds of Tsinghua University and Beijing Institute of Technology before they proceeded onward to their own particular new grounds, which was picked in May, 1953 and spotted at the BaiYanZhuang Village, Haidian District, in the western suburb of Beijing. Development of grounds structures began on June 1, 1953. More than 60,000m2 of structures were finished inside 6 months. By October, 1953, all understudies and a percentage of the employees moved to the new grounds and began their day by day work and study. At first, there were two divisions with 4 majors: Airplane Design and Airplane Technology in the Department of Airplane Engineering, and Engine Design, Engine Technology in the Department of Airplane Engine Engineering. 

BUAA was among China's initial 16 key colleges back in the 1950s, and among the main 15 for need improvement amid China's seventh Five-Year Plan period (1986–1990). Amid the eighth Five-Year arrangement it was recorded among the main 14 for need advancement, and toward the begin of the ninth Five-Year Plan BUAA was among the first clump of 15 colleges in "venture 211 for Higher Education."Since 1952, this college was named the "Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics". Since May 1988, it has been known as the "Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics". In 2002, the college board chose to change the English name of the college to Beihang University, yet the condensing BUAA was held. 

The college has 59 undergrad programs, 38 aces' expert degree approval first-level orders programs, 21 specialist degree approval first-level controls, and 17 postdoc stations. At present, the college has 27 schools covering 10 noteworthy controls. Aggregate number of personnel and staff are 3,759, including 20 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences or Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1,668 full or partner educators. BUAA is home of 27,811 student and graduate understudies. also, around 668 worldwide understudies. It has 89 research centers including 1 National Lab and 7 State Key Laboratory. The college is furnished with all subordinate offices. The college library, with a region of more than 24,000 m2, has a gathering of more than 1.2 million.[4] 

In 2005, French driving Grande École of designing "École Centrale" connected with BUAA to make a top level building graduate system called École Centrale de Pékin. This present program's admission comprise in the absolute best Chinese understudies graduating the National College Entrance Examination. BUAA's is additionally celebrated for its top sports offices including present day gyms and games grounds. 

Beihang University is one of the ten most noteworthy positioning designing colleges in China.It is an individual from the prestigious Project 211 and Project 985 gathering of most tip top Chinese state funded colleges. Together with Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Beijing Institute of Technology, it is generally thought to be one of the main four designing and exploration colleges in Beijing. BUAA has had more than 40 activities that were positioned first in China, since it was made in 1952. These days, it has developed into a college of designing science and innovation with an accentuation on aeronautical and astronautical building, covering such various fields as science, innovation, aesthetic sciences, law, financial matters, administration, logic, remote dialects and instruction. 

Since its establishing BUAA has been one of the key colleges given need for advancement. In the new century and thousand years, BUAA was authoritatively recorded in China's Action Plan for the
Revitalization of Education in the 21st Century. In the course of recent years BUAA has given around 80000 experts of high gauge in different controls for China. BUAA has 42 examination establishments or interdisciplinary exploration focuses, 11 key orders of the national level, and 89 research facilities (counting 4 national key labs, 5 national particular research centers, and 12 provincialor ministrial-level key research centers.) lately BUAA has positioned among the preeminent in China regarding financing for investigative examination. The college is furnished with all subordinate offices. The library, with a range of more than 24,000 m2, has an accumulation of more than 1.2 million books. BUAA's games offices incorporate an Olympic advanced exercise center and a games ground with complex gear. BUAA has turned into one of the China's critical bases for investigative and mechanical advancement and quality instruction of abnormal state faculty. 

BUAA serves as one of a few top examination foundations that are in charge of developing discernment of military arranged innovation for China's national guard. BUAA's advancement is nearly related with the improvement of China's resistance capacity. Of a few prestigious protection related organizations controlled by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, BUAA has better open doors. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Central European University (CEU) is a graduate-level, English-dialect college authorize in the U.S. also Hungary and found in Budapest. The college offers degrees in the sociologies, humanities, law, open strategy, business administration, ecological science, and math. 

CEU has more than 1500 understudies from 100 nations and 300 employees from more than 30 nations. CEU was established by humanitarian George Soros, who has given an enrichment of US$880 million, making the college one of the wealthiest in Europe.

CEU has two schools, including the School of Public Policy and CEU Business School, 14 scholarly divisions, and 17 examination focuses. 

CEU developed from a progression of addresses held at the IUC in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, (now Croatia). In the Spring of 1989, as chronicled change was gathering energy in the area the requirement for another, free, universal college was being considered. The minutes of the get-together held in April 1989 records a talk among researchers, for example, Rudolf Andorka, Péter Hanák, Márton Tardos, István Teplán, Tibor Vámos and Miklós Vásárhelyi from Budapest, William Newton-Smith and Kathleen Wilkes from Oxford, Jan Havranek, Michal Illner and Jiří Kořalka from Prague, Krzysztof Michalski and Włodzimierz Siwiński from Warsaw. 

The University was established in 1991 because of the fall of the Socialist Bloc. The establishing vision was to make a college committed to looking at the contemporary difficulties of "open social orders" and democratization. The starting point was to make a Western-demonstrated yet notably Central European organization that would cultivate between territorial collaboration and teach another corps of local pioneers to help introduce majority rule moves over the district. It was initially found in Prague, but since of "political and money related clash between its organizer and Czech government" spoke to by Vaclav Klaus it moved to grounds in Budapest. 

In its second decade, CEU widened its center from provincial to worldwide, with an exceptional accentuation on majority rules system advancement and human rights as far and wide as possible. It has since added to a unique scholarly approach, joining local studies with a global viewpoint, accentuating similar and interdisciplinary research to create new grant and arrangement activities, and to advance great administration and the tenet of law. CEU has developed its effort and money related help projects to certain zones of the creating scene. 

CEU started the area's first graduate degree programs in sex studies and natural sciences. The CEU Center for Media, Data and Society is the main focus of examination on media, correspondence, and data arrangement in the district. 

The historical backdrop of Riga Technical University goes back to 14 October 1862, when the Riga Polytechnicum (RP) was established. It was the first multi-discipline specialized tertiary training foundation in the Russian Empire. The RP was created after the model of the most dynamic specialized colleges of that time. As a private instructive foundation it was financed by the Baltic respectability. The RP initially consolidated six divisions: Engineering, Chemistry, Agriculture, Mechanics, Commerce, and Architecture. Affirmation was open just to male understudies for an educational cost expense, independent of nationality, religion or economic wellbeing. There were no doorway examinations. The dialect of educational cost was German. 

In 1896, the Riga Polytechnicum was transformed into an authority higher school of the Russian Empire – the Riga Polytechnical Institute (RPI), with Russian as the authority dialect of educational cost. Taking after the sample of European higher schools, the establishment held its self-sufficiency. The scholarly staff included numerous researchers of world eminence, particularly in such ranges as science and designing sciences. On 28 September 1919 the combination of the autonomous Latvia State prompted the foundation of the University of Latvia, which consolidated nine staffs. Without precedent for the historical backdrop of Latvia, educational cost was directed in Latvian. 

In 1958, specialized staffs of the Latvian State University were differentiated to structure the reestablished Riga Polytechnical Institute, giving educational cost both in Latvian and Russian, contingent upon the course framework. The RPI was a free tertiary training foundation with 3000 understudies. In the initial 5 years the quantity of understudies expanded more than triple. Toward the end of the 1980s, the RPI had effectively 10 personnel: Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Technical Appliances and Automation, Textile and Clothing Technology, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Radio Engineering and Communications, Engineering Economics and Social Sciences. Understudies were likewise offered extramural studies and preparing at instructive discussion focuses. 

On 19 March 1990 the Riga Technical University was renamed to its available name. From that point forward the college has been effectively rearranging its study procedures to guarantee agreeability of scholastic and expert tertiary training, concentrated on the circles ordinary for the national economy of Latvia, alongside the necessities of the European Union. The scholastic execution of RTU has gotten positive assessment by universal specialists and the college is licensed by the Tertiary Education Council of the Republic of Latvia. The study projects offered by the RTU have experienced worldwide ability and are authoritatively licensed. 

To date RTU involves 8 workforces: Architecture and Urban Planning, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunications, Power and Electrical Engineering, Engineering Economics and Management, Materials Science and Applied Chemistry, Transport and Mechanical Engineering. There are likewise low maintenance and extramural offices. RTU has affiliations in the biggest urban areas of Latvia – Daugavpils, Liepāja, and Ven.

College of Agder is a state funded college with grounds in Kristiansand and Grimstad, Norway. The organization was secured as a college school in 1994 with the merger of six universities and was conceded its present status as a college in 2007, however its scholarly action dates as far back as 1839. It is one of eight colleges in Norway; the other seven are the University of Oslo, the University of Tromsø, the University of Stavanger, the University of Bergen, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Ås, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim and the University of Nordland in Bodø. 

The thought of a college in the Agder district is not totally new. In his brief time as leader of the union of Denmark–Norway, Johann Friedrich Struensee anticipated transforming the University of Copenhagen. He gave Bishop Johann Ernst Gunnerus of Trondheim the errand of growing more point by point plans. Gunnerus introduced a proposition in 1771 in which he recommended building another college in Norway, and setting it in Kristiansand. 

The intentions in proposing Kristiansand as a college town have been faced off regarding. Notwithstanding, the thought was soon disposed of as arranging started for the first Norwegian college. In 1811, a determination was gone to secure Norway's first college in Christiania (Oslo). 

Indeed without a college in the area, and as the requirement for better taught representatives climbed, a few littler universities were created all through the Agder locale. The principal, Kristiansand Teacher Training College was initially established at Holt, Aust-Agder in 1839, making it one of the most seasoned foundations of advanced education in Norway. It was trailed by Arendal College of Nursing (1920), Agder Music Conservatory (1965), Agder Regional College of Technology (1967), Agder Regional College (1969) and Kristiansand College of Nursing (1976). 

Agder University College was created by a merger in 1994, when the six open provincial schools in the Agder regions turned into one establishment. The University College got full college accreditation and turned into the University of Agder on 1 September 2007. In 2009, the University of Agder has more or less 8,000 understudies, 1000 workers and a yearly plan of around 800 million NOK (140 Million Us$). 

Today, the procedure of solidifying the University proceeds. In 2010 the University's exercises in Aust Agder (Grimstad and Arendal) will head onto UiA's new grounds in Televeien in Grimstad, and exercises in Kristiansand will be focused on the grounds at Gimle.

The University of Oslo, earlier The Royal Frederick University , is the most established and biggest college in Norway, placed in the Norwegian capital of Oslo. The college is perceived as one of Northern Europe's most prestigious colleges. The Academic Ranking of World Universities has positioned it the 67th best college on the planet. 

The college has give or take 27,700 understudies and utilizes around 6,000 individuals. Its staffs incorporate (Lutheran) Theology (Norway's state religion since 1536), Law, Medicine, Humanities, Mathematics, characteristic sciences, sociologies, Dentistry, and Education. The college's unique neoclassical grounds is spotted in the focal point of Oslo; it is as of now possessed by the Faculty of Law. The vast majority of the college's different personnel are placed at the more up to date Blindern grounds in the rural West End. The Faculty of Medicine is part between a few college healing centers in the Oslo region. 

The college was established in 1811 and was designed according to the University of Copenhagen and the as of late settled University of Berlin. It was initially named for King Frederick VI of Denmark and Norway, and got its present name in 1939. The college is casually otherwise called Universitetet ("the college"), having been the main college in Norway until 1946, and was ordinarily alluded to as "The Royal Frederick's" before the name change. 

The University of Oslo is home to five Nobel Prize winners.The Nobel Peace Prize was granted in the college's Atrium from 1947 to 1989.Since 2003, the Abel Prize is honored in the Atrium. 

In 1811, a choice was made to make the first college in the Dano-Norwegian Union, after an effective fight which brought about a concurrence with King Fredrik VI. Fredrick consented to the foundation of an establishment that he had prior accepted may energize political-separatist inclinations. In 1813, The Royal Fredrik's University was established in Christiania, a little city amid that time. Circumstances then changed drastically one year into the initiation of the college, as Norway announced freedom and received its own particular constitution. Nonetheless, autonomy was to some degree confined, as Norway was obliged to go into an administrative union with Sweden in light of the result of the War of 1814. Norway held its own particular constitution and autonomous state foundations, whilst illustrious force and remote issues were imparted to Sweden. During an era when Norwegians dreaded political mastery by the Swedes, the new college turned into a key foundation that added to Norwegian political and social autonomy. 

The primary capacity of The Royal Frederick University was to instruct another class of (higher) common hirelings. Despite the fact that Norway was in an authoritative union with Sweden, it was a sovereign state, and required instructed individuals to run it. Common hirelings were required, and also parliamentary agents and pastors. The college likewise turned into the inside for an overview of the nation a review of national society, dialect, history and people customs. The staff of the college endeavored to attempt an extensive variety of down to earth errands vital for building up the base basic to a cutting edge society. At the point when the union with Sweden was broken up in 1905, the college got to be essential for delivering very taught men and ladies who could serve as specialists in a general public which set expanding accentuation on guaranteeing that all its nationals appreciate an existence of poise and security. Training, wellbeing administrations and open organization were among those fields that enlisted work force from among the college's graduates. In 1939, the college was renamed the University of Oslo and it remained Norway's just college until 1946. . 

All through the 1800s, the college's scholastic orders got to be more particular. One of the real changes in the college came amid the 1870s when a more prominent accentuation got to be set upon exploration. The administration of the college got to be more proficient, scholastic subjects were improved and the types of instructing developed. Disciplines got to be more particular and traditional training went under expanding weight.

The University of Bonn (German: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) is an open exploration college found in Bonn, Germany. Established in its available structure in 1818, as the straight successor of prior scholarly establishments, the University of Bonn is today one of the main colleges in Germany. The University of Bonn offers countless and graduate projects in a scope of subjects. Its library holds more than two million volumes. The University of Bonn has 525 educators and 31,000 understudies. Among its striking graduated class and workforce are seven Nobel Laureates, two Fields Medalists, twelve Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize champs, Prince Albert, Pope Benedict XVI, Frederick III, Karl Marx, Heinrich Heine, Friedrich Nietzsche, Konrad Adenauer, and Joseph Schumpeter. In the years 2010, 2011 and 2013, the Times Higher Education positioned the University of Bonn as one of the 200 best colleges in the world.The University of Bonn is positioned 94th worldwide as indicated by the ARWU University positioning. 

The college's herald was the Kurkölnische Akademie Bonn (English: Academy of the Prince-balloter of Cologne) which was established in 1777 by Maximilian Frederick of Königsegg-Rothenfels, the sovereign voter of Cologne. In the soul of the Enlightenment the new foundation was nonsectarian. The foundation had schools for religious philosophy, law, drug store and general studies. In 1784 Emperor Joseph II conceded the foundation the privilege to grant scholastic degrees (Licentiat and Ph.D.), transforming the institute into a college. The foundation was shut in 1798 after the left bank of the Rhine was involved by France amid the French Revolutionary Wars. 

The new Rhein University (German: Rhein-Universität) was then established on 18 October 1818 by Frederick William III. It was the sixth Prussian University, established after the colleges in Greifswald, Berlin, Königsberg, Halle and Breslau. The new college was just as imparted between the two Christian divisions. This was one of the reasons why Bonn, with its custom of a nonsectarian college, was picked over Cologne and Duisburg. Aside from a school of Roman Catholic philosophy and a school of Protestant religious philosophy, the college had schools for prescription, law and rationality. Inititally 35 teachers and eight extra educators were instructing in Bonn. 

One and only year after the commencement of the Rhein University the screenwriter August von Kotzebue was killed by Karl Ludwig Sand, an understudy at the University of Jena. The Carlsbad Decrees, presented on 20 September 1819 prompted a general crackdown on colleges, the disintegration of the Burschenschaften and the presentation of oversight laws. One exploited person was the creator and writer Ernst Moritz Arndt, who, crisply delegated college educator in Bonn, was banned from instructing. When the passing of Frederick William III in 1840 was he reestablished in his residency. An alternate outcome of the Carlsbad Decrees was the refusal by Frederick William III to present the chain of office, the authority seal and an authority name to the new college. The Rhein University was hence anonymous until 1840, when the new King of Prussia, Frederick William IV issued it the authority name Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. 

Regardless of these issues the college developed and pulled in popular researchers and understudies. Toward the end of the nineteenth century the college was otherwise called the Prinzenuniversität (English:Princes' college), the same number of the children of the ruler of Prussia mulled over here. In 1900 the college had 68 seats, 23 subordinate seats, two privileged educators, 57 Privatdozenten and six instructors. Since 1896 ladies were permitted to go to classes as visitor evaluators at colleges in Prussia. In 1908 the University of Bonn got to be completely coeducational. 

The development of the college stopped with World War I. Money related and monetary issues in Germany in the result of the war brought about lessened government financing for the college. The University of Bonn reacted by attempting to discover private and mechanical backers. In 1930 the college received another constitution. Surprisingly understudies were permitted to partake in the controlling toward oneself college organization. To that impact the understudy chamber Astag (German: Allgemeine Studentische Arbeitsgemeinschaft) was established around the same time. Individuals from the understudy chamber were chosen in a mystery vote. 

Amid the second World War the college endured substantial harm. An air strike on 18 October 1944 decimated the primary building. The college was re-opened on 17 November 1945 as one of the first in the British occupation zone. The main college president was Heinrich Matthias Konen, who was removed from the college in 1934 on account of his resistance to Nazism. Toward the begin of the first semester on 17 November 1945 the college had more than 10,000 candidates for just 2,500 spots. 

In 1980 the Pedagogigal University Bonn was blended into the University of Bonn, albeit in the long run all the instructors training projects were shut in 2007. In 1983 the new science library was opened. In 1989 Wolfgang Paul was recompensed the Nobel Prize in Physics. After three years Reinhard Selten was honored the Nobel Prize in Economics. The choice of the German government to move the capital from Bonn to Berlin after the reunification in 1991 brought about liberal remuneration for the city of Bonn. The pay bundle incorporated three new research establishments partnered or nearly working together with the college, along these lines essentially improving the examination profile of the University of Bonn. 

In the 2000s the college executed the Bologna transform and supplanted the customary Diplom and Magister projects with Bachelor and Master projects.

The Freie Universität Berlin ("Free University of Berlin", regularly contracted as FU Berlin or essentially FU) is an eminent exploration college spotted in Berlin and a standout amongst the most noticeable colleges in Germany. It is globally known for its examination in the humanities and sociologies, and additionally in the field of characteristic and life sciences. Established in West Berlin amid the early Cold War period and resulting from the undeniably Communist-controlled Humboldt University, its name alludes to West Berlin's status as a feature of the free world, instead of the Soviet-involved "unfree" territories encompassing the city. 

Freie Universität Berlin was made by understudies and researchers on 4 December 1948. The establishment is emphatically associated with the start of the Cold War period. The University of Berlin was found in the previous Soviet part of Berlin and was allowed consent to keep instructing by the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SMAD) in January 1946. The colleges were progressively affected by socialism as they were ground for the political debate of the post bellum period. This lead to an uprise of challenges by understudies condemning of the predominant framework. Somewhere around 1945 and 1948, more than 18 understudies were captured or mistreated, some even executed by the soviet mystery police (NKVD). 

Toward the end of 1947, first understudies requested a college free from political impact. The peak of the dissents was come to on 23 April 1948: after three understudies were removed from the college without a trial, around 2,000 understudies dissented at the Hotel Esplanade.[2] By the end of April, the legislative leader of the United States Army Lucius D. Earth gave the request to lawfully check for the development of another college in the western areas. On 19 June 1948 the "preparatory board of trustees for making a free college" comprising of government officials, teachers, managerial staff individuals and understudies, met. With a proclamation titled "Appeal for securing a free college in Berlin" the board of trustees spoke to general society for backing. The city powers of Berlin conceded the establishment of a free college and asked for the opening for the impending winter semester 1948/49. In the mean time, the understudies council in the German Democratic Republic dissented against the development, the GDR portrayed the new college as the "purported free college" in official reports until the fall of the Berlin Wall. 

The Council-administrator government acknowledged the by-law on 4 November 1948. The by-law accomplished unmistakable quality under its false name "the Berlin model": Freie Universität was established as a statutory company (Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts) and was not specifically subjected to the state, as it was controlled by a supervisory board comprising of six delegates of the condition of Berlin, three agents of the college and understudies. This structure was extraordinary in Germany around then, as the understudies had a great deal more impact on the framework than in the recent past. At the same time until the 1970s, the contribution of the understudies in the boards of trustees was gradually decreased while adjusting to the model of the western German colleges keeping in mind the end goal to be completely perceived as a proportional college. On 15 November 1948, the first addresses were held in the structures of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science. The genuine establishment occurred on 4 December 1948 in the Titania royal residence, the film theater with the greatest lobby accessible in the western segments of Berlin. Specialists of the occasion were not just researchers, lawmakers (the Governing Mayor Ernst Reuter amongst others) and understudies, additionally delegates of American colleges, amongst them the Stanford University and the Yale University. The initially chose president of the FU Berlin was the history specialist Friedrich Meinecke. 

On 26 June 1963, that day he held his renowned Ich container ein Berliner discourse at Rathaus Schöneberg, John F. Kennedy was recompensed privileged native by the Freie Universität and held a formal discourse before the Henry Ford constructing in which he tended to the eventual fate of Berlin and Germany under the thought of the adage of the FU. Amongst the specialist swarm are additionally the Governing Mayor of Berlin Willy Brandt and the Chancellor of Germany Konrad Adenauer.[2] His sibling, Robert F. Kennedy went to Freie Universität in 1962[4] surprisingly and in June 1964 for accepting his privileged degree from the Department of Philosophy. The discourse he held at the occasion was devoted to John F. Kennedy, who was killed simply the prior year. 

In the late 1960s, Freie Universität was one of the principle scenes of the German understudy development of 68 as a response to the worldwide understudy challenges amid that time. After the death of understudy Benno Ohnesorg and the endeavor on Rudi Dutschke's life, dissents immediately heightened to brutality in all of Germany. The occasions of the 68-development gave the drive to more openness, equity, and vote based system in German culture. 

Stockholm University (Swedish: Stockholms universitet) is the state university of Stockholm, Sweden. Stockholm University has two scientific fields: the natural sciences and the humanities/social sciences. With over 70,000 students at four different faculties, law, humanities, the mathematical and natural sciences, it is one of the largest universities in Scandinavia. The institution is regarded as one of the top 100 universities in the world by both the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) and the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE) - whereas, in the QS World University Rankings, the SU is among the 200 universities in the world. Stockholm University was granted university status in 1960, making it the fourth oldest Swedish university. Stockholm University's primary mission is to provide education and high quality research for the betterment of the Swedish community.

The initiative for the formation of Stockholm University was taken by the Stockholm City Council. The process was completed after a decision in December 1865 regarding the establishment of a fund and a committee to "establish a higher education institution in the capital". The nine members of the Committee were respected and prominent citizens whose work have helped the evolution of science and society.

The next important step was taken in October 1869, when the Stockholm University College Association was established. Several members of the committee became members of the association - including Professor Pehr Henrik Malmsten. The association's mission was to establish a university in Stockholm and would "not be dissolved until college came into being and its future could be secured." The memorandum of the Stockholm University College were adopted in May 1877, and in the autumn semester of the following year, actual operations began.

In 1878, the university college Stockholms högskola started its operations with a series of lectures on natural sciences, open to curious citizens (a tradition still upheld by yearly publicly open lectures). Notable in the university's early history is the appointment of Sofia Kovalevskaya to hold a chair in mathematics department in 1889, making her the third female professor in Europe. In 1904 the college became an official degree granting institution.

In 1960, the college was granted university status, becoming Sweden's fourth state university. The university premises were situated in central Stockholm at Observatorielunden but increased enrollment resulted in a lack of space, which required the university campus to be shifted to a bigger facility. Since 1970 most of the university operations are pursued at the main campus at Frescati north of the city center.

The University of Helsinki (Finnish: Helsinki yliopisto, Swedish: Helsingfors university, Latin: Universitas Helsingiensis, abbreviated UH) is a university located in Helsinki, Finland since 1829, but was founded in the city of Turku (in Swedish Åbo) in 1640 as the Royal Academy of Turku, at that time part of the Swedish Empire. It is the oldest and largest university in Finland with the widest range of disciplines available. Around 36,500 students are currently enrolled in the degree programs of the university spread across 11 faculties and 11 research institutes.

As of August 1, 2005, the University complies with the standards of the Europe-wide Bologna Process and offers Bachelor, Master, Licenciate, and Doctoral degrees. Admission to degree programmes is usually determined by entrance examinations, in the case of bachelor degrees, and by prior degree results, in the case of master and postgraduate degrees. Entrance is particularly selective (circa 15% of the yearly applicants are admitted). It has been ranked a top 100 university in the world according to the 2012 QS, Times Higher Education and the Academic Rankings of World Universities.

The university is bilingual, with teaching provided both in Finnish and Swedish. Teaching in English is extensive throughout the university at Master, Licentiate, and Doctoral levels, making it a de facto third language of instruction.

Remaining true to its traditionally strong Humboldtian ethos, the University of Helsinki places heavy emphasis on high-quality teaching and research of a top international standard.[6] It is a member of various prominent international university networks, such as Europaeum, UNICA, the Utrecht Network, and is a founding member of the League of European Research Universities.

The first predecessor of the university, The Cathedral School of Åbo, was presumably founded in 1276 for education of boys to become servants of the Church. As the university was founded in 1640 by Queen Christina of Sweden (1626–1689) in Turku (Sw. Åbo), as the Åbo Kungliga Akademi (Latin: Regia Academia Aboensis), the senior part of the school formed the core of the new University, while the junior year courses formed a grammar school. It was the third university founded in the Swedish Empire, following Uppsala University and the Academia Gustaviana in Dorpat (predecessor to the University of Tartu in Estonia).

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The University of Copenhagen was established in 1479 and is the most seasoned college in Denmark. Between the end of the Studium Generale in Lund in 1536 and the foundation of the University of Aarhus in the late 1920s, it was the main college in Denmark. The college turned into a core of Roman Catholic philosophical adapting, additionally had workforces for the investigation of law, solution, and logic. 

In 1801, under the order of Admiral Horatio Nelson, the British armada shelled Copenhagen amid the Battle of Copenhagen, destroying the greater part of the college's buildings.[citation needed] By 1836, be that as it may, the new fundamental building of the college was introduced in the midst of far reaching building that proceeded until the end of the century. The college library, the Zoological Museum, the Geological Museum, the Botanic Garden with nurseries, and the Technical College were likewise settled amid this period. 

Somewhere around 1842 and 1850, the staffs at the college were rebuilt. Beginning in 1842, the University Faculty of Medicine and the Academy of Surgeons fused to structure the Faculty of Medical Science, while in 1848 the Faculty of Law was rearranged and turned into the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Political Science. In 1850, the Faculty of Mathematics and Science was divided from the Faculty of Philosophy. 

The primary female understudy was selected at the college in 1877. The college experienced dangerous development somewhere around 1960 and 1980. The quantity of understudies rose from around 6,000 in 1960 to around 26,000 in 1980, with a correspondingly extensive development in the quantity of workers. Structures assembled amid this time period incorporate the new Zoological Museum, the Hans Christian Ørsted and August Krogh Institutes, the grounds fixate on Amager Island, and the Panum Institute. 

The new college statute established in 1970 included democratization of the administration of the college. It was changed in 1973 and along these lines connected to all advanced education organizations in Denmark. The democratization was later switched with the 2003 college changes. Further change in the structure of the college from 1990 to 1993 made a Bachelor's degree program compulsory in practically all subjects. 

In 2005, the Center for Health and Society (Center for Sundhed og Samfund – CSS) opened in focal Copenhagen, lodging the Faculty of Social Sciences and Institute of Public Health, which until then had been found in different places all through the city. In May 2006, the college declared further plans to leave a number of its old structures in the internal city of Copenhagen, a zone that has been home to the college for over 500 years. The reason for this has been to assemble the college's numerous offices and employees on three bigger grounds keeping in mind the end goal to make a greater, more focused and advanced understudy environment with better showing offices, and to spare cash on rent and support of the old structures. The amassing of offices on bigger grounds likewise takes into consideration more between disciplinary collaboration; for instance, the Departments of Political Science and Sociology are currently placed in the same offices at CSS and can pool assets all the more effectively. 

In January 2007, the University of Copenhagen combined with the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and the Danish University of Pharmaceutical Science. The two colleges are presently employees under the University of Copenhagen, and are currently known as the Faculty of Life Sciences and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 

In January 2012, the Faculty og Pharmaceutical Sciences and the veterinary third of the Faculty of Life Sciences combined with the Faculty of Health Sciences structuring the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences – and the other 66% of the Faculty of Life Sciences blended with the Faculty of S.

Siam University was established in 1965 by the late Dr. Narong Mongkhonvanit as the initial 3-year private designing school in Thailand. It started by instructing an understudy collection of just two hundred, offering one and only program, Mechanical Technical Power, which prompted what might as well be called a partner's degree (two-year) in the United States by temperance of the Thai Private School Act. In 1973 the Siam Technical College, was formally settled as a private, advanced education organization with the approval to allow degrees. Before long, in 1975, the college dispatched projects prompting a single guys' degree in Accounting, Marketing or Secretarial Science. Inside those projects, understudies majored in keeping money, account, work force administration or promoting. Later, in 1986, Siam Technical College got to be Siam Technical University, and after three years got to be 'Siam University' to show differences in fields of study. Over almost five many years of enduring development and improvement, determined by a dedication to scholastic greatness, Siam University has contributed more than 60,000 graduates in different fields to Thailand's national work compel and in addition different nations far and wide. Actually, it has turned into the fifth biggest private college with an understudy body containing more than 16,000 understudies over eight schools, including an International and Graduate Program.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Mount Royal University (MRU) is a public university in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.Mount Royal was founded in 1910 as a primary and secondary school. Mount Royal became a post-secondary institution in 1931 as Mount Royal Junior College (MRC) offering transfer courses to the University of Alberta (founded 1905) and later to the University of Calgary (founded 1966).[4] A War memorial Honour Roll is dedicated to Mount Royal alumni who have volunteered for active service with Canada's Fighting Forces.

In 1970, Mount Royal launched their Aviation diploma program – one of the first aviation programs to integrate an academic diploma program and flight training. In 1972 Mount Royal moved from several buildings in downtown Calgary to a new campus at Lincoln Park on the south west section of the city – a former airforce base.

It was renamed Mount Royal University in 2009 by the Legislative Assembly of Alberta. In 1995 it launched the Bachelor of Applied Business and Entrepreneurship. Between 1995 and 2007, it had launched 14 applied degrees across all disciplines. By 2008, it had begun to launch additional undergraduate degrees including a Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Arts. On Feb. 18, 2011 Mount Royal University launched its eighth undergraduate degree – the Bachelor of Education, Elementary. This degree is unique in Alberta for providing students with direct entry into the four-year degree program. The program also prepares students for certification with the Teacher Development and Certification Branch of Alberta Education.

In 2010 there were approximately 12,000 full and part-time credit students enrolled, with an additional 5,000 students in the Music Conservatory and over 50,000 individual non-credit course registrations per year.

Ryerson is Canada's leader in innovative, career-focused education and a university clearly on the move. It is a distinctly urban university with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. Ryerson has a mission to serve societal need and a long-standing commitment to engaging its community.

In 1852 at the core of the present main campus, the historic St. James Square, Egerton Ryerson founded Ontario's first teacher training facility, the Toronto Normal School. It also housed the Department of Education and the Museum of Natural History and Fine Arts, which became the Royal Ontario Museum. An agricultural laboratory on the site led to the later founding of the Ontario Agricultural College and the University of Guelph. St. James Square went through various other educational uses before housing a namesake of its original founder.

Guided by a bold Academic Plan, an ambitious research agenda, and a Master Plan to revitalize the campus and surrounding neighborhood, Ryerson is the most applied-to university in Ontario relative to available spaces, and its reputation with business and community leaders continues to rise.
Ryerson University is home to Canada's largest undergraduate business school, the Ted Rogers School of Management, and Canada's third largest undergraduate engineering school, the George Vari Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science, as well as the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Communication & Design, Faculty of Community Services, and the Faculty of Science.

In addition to offering full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate programs leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees, the university also offers part-time degrees, distance education and certificates through the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education.

Ryerson offers more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs. Culturally diverse and inclusive, the university is home to 38,950 students, including 2,300 master's and PhD students, nearly 2,700 faculty and staff, and more than 140,000 alumni worldwide. Research at Ryerson is on a trajectory of success and growth: externally funded research has doubled in the past four years. The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education is Canada's leading provider of university-based adult education. The university's focus on innovation and entrepreneurship is represented most distinctly by the Digital Media Zone, a place for students to collaborate and bring their digital ideas to the marketplace.

Ryerson is reshaping the downtown core of Toronto with three new buildings: the Mattamy Athletic Centre at the Gardens, the Ryerson Image Centre in the heart of campus, and a Student Learning Centre on Yonge Street. In addition, currently in progress is the development of a new multipurpose building, the Church Street development (CSD). This new building will be located just north of Dundas on Church Street and will be home to four academic health services programs, Ryerson food services, administration, and a student residence.

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